Meet Elayne

Hi, I’m Elayne and I am a mum of three wonderful kids who were all born and lived in the Caribbean, we moved back to Ireland in 2019 and now live in Kinsale. Myself and my husband Billy set up and still run an art school, gallery and café called ArtSplash in Barbados. My role was art director and teacher. My style of teaching became more and more therapeutic, creating spaces to facilitate healing through authentic expression. Now as a BodyTalk practitioner, I am facilitating similar spaces for powerful healings to occur albeit through a different modality.

My journey of becoming a BodyTalk practitioner began years before I discovered this particular approach. The themes of energy, consciousness, the body-mind connection, transpersonal psychotherapy, meta physics and the sacred have enveloped my work, art and study since I was young. I have also qualified as a transformative art therapist and completed Reiki I & II. Over the past three years, with some health concerns in my family and a move back to Ireland, a very natural shift occurred from art to the incredibly intuitive medical health system that is BodyTalk.

Throughout my twenties and thirties, I tried many different psychotherapies and energy treatments, most of which definitely helped my growth but none of which were able to get to the root cause of any imbalances. It wasn’t until I found BodyTalk that I experienced a whole-person therapy. At times, my BodyTalk sessions seemed paranormal as even in the space of one session, limiting subconscious belief systems and unprocessed traumatic memories were somehow being uprooted. The powerful results of these sessions occurred over a number of months in subtle and surprising ways as my body, mind and spirit began to re-harmonize. I began to notice shifts in my physical body, my self-esteem and changes in my relationship.

BodyTalk is a spiritual journey of healing on all levels and I have seen changes in all areas of my life. I am so grateful to be on this sacred , creative journey of growth and unfolding and feel privileged to be able to be facilitate you on yours too.

Elayne xx


BodyTalk Fundamentals I + II

Reiki I +II

Higher diploma Transformative Art and music Therapy

Hons degree in Fine Arts

Hons degree in History of Art

Relevant Courses:

BodyTalk Fundamentals I + II

Principles of Consciousness (Mod 3)

Advanced BodyTalk Protocol and Procedure


Macrocosmic BodyMind (Mod 6)

BreakThrough I

“When we connect to this invisible, unifying field that exists beyond our senses - wholeness, oneness - we’re connecting to pure love. It’s within us, it’s all around us. And when we connect with it, we remember who we really are, where we came from - pure love.”

by Joe Dispenza

Mae’s story

My daughter Mae is the main reason that I so quickly started studying BodyTalk.  At five weeks old, she was rushed to hospital with meningitis, it was such a scary time.  After eight nights of intensive tests, intravenous anti biotics and anti-virals, she fortunately recovered and we were allowed to go home.  However, Mae’s immune system did not have a chance to develop properly and for the next fifteen months, she developed chicken pox, shingles twice, among many other viral infections causing rashes, high temperatures and general poor health.  We were prescribed an array of drugs but nothing was helping and if anything she was getting more poorly.  This is when I started looking at alternative medicine and she went on various courses of homeopathic medicine and reiki. This definitely helped although it wasn’t until we moved back to Ireland and I began practising BodyTalk on her that dramatic and lasting health shifts occurred within two weeks.  She is now four and a super healthy, full of energy little girl.  This was all the proof I needed to delve completely into this incredible healing system that is BodyTalk. 

Book a session with Elayne